In many cases the symptoms start to reduce almost immediately, but it is important to continue to do Equine Breathing until the horse has regained normal breathing. This may be some time after symptoms have disappeared.
The healing process can have surprising elements for people not used to holistic healing, including 'healing responses', and the horse can become healthy in ways that the owner did not anticipate, in addition to the disappearance of symptoms.
The aim of Equine Breathing is not just the short term relief from symptoms (though that is of course valued in itself) but is to return the horse to normal full health where triggers such as pollen, weather conditions, stress etc no longer result in symptoms.
So for example, a horse with sweet-itch becomes able to respond normally to midge bites and no longer needs protection from midges. Pollen etc no longer cause headshaking or hay fever symptoms and so on.
Once the horse has regained normal breathing they are likely to maintain it unless their breathing is disrupted by 'over breathing triggers'.
Owners find that horses doing Equine Breathing become fitter.
Equine Breathing enables people to actively do something to help their horse recover.
Horses enjoy doing Equine Breathing and become relaxed.
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