I use the Grazing Breather on several of my horses who were wary of human contact around the head area. One mare in particular who has breathing problems and head shaking during the spring and summer really enjoys wearing the grazing breather and relaxes completely when it's on. In fact she even walked over to the fence when I was putting it on another pony and seemed to ask to wear it herself. I did put it on her and she walked off and went to sleep. Her headshaking has improved immensely as has her general demeanour around the other horses. Where she previously had been grumpy and aggressive , she is now much calmer and doesn't react to every situation as if it was a life threatening situation.
Jane, Hampshire, UK
April 2008
Equine Breathing has undoubtedly helped Jack. I know the head shaking symptoms would, at times, have shown themselves in a more severe manner if I had not been doing Equine Breathing. The symptoms so far this year appear to be less severe and less frequent. When they are present I am able to lessen them or even to stop them by doing 1N . 1N is definitely effective. I feel this has to benefit every horse with or without problems, the relaxation alone is great. If you can relax your own mind it can give you a peaceful rest too. I have no hesitation in saying it is worth the effort. I would certainly recommend it to others, particularly those who have tried and failed with more conventional methods as at that time they are usually more ready to take on a larger commitment. It makes you think it is almost too simple to be effective. People ask - if it is free, can it really be any good. YES it can and YES it is. But you need patience and commitment. It's (Equine Breathing is) mystical to the non-science based average Joe! I am very happy with the overall results at the trial end. 1N has proved to me that it does work. My dilemma is not whether to continue to breathe – there is absolutely no question about my not doing so, I couldn’t allow Jack to go backwards, but how to better manage things so that I can continue with EB. I also want to start on my other cob. He is highly-strung and nervy, (the field boss!) I did a few minutes on him at the weekend and he relaxed really well. The obvious answer is to buy an Equine Breather.
Jacky, Wales
June 2006
I use the Grazing breather on several of my horses who were wary of human contact around the head area. One mare in particular who has breathing problems and head shaking during the spring and summer really enjoys wearing the Grazing Breather and relaxes completely when its on... Her headshaking has improved immensely as has her general demeanour