Equine Breathing is based on the principles behind the human breathing method devised by Professor Buteyko (Novosibirsk, Siberia) although the actual technique is different for horses.
Professor Buteyko discovered the relationship between breathing and health and described the physiology responsible.
Over breathing is associated with symptoms and poor health, whereas good (ie lower volume) breathing is associated with good health, even in old people.
Professor Buteyko believed that the majority of common ailments can be ameliorated by retraining the breathing.
Having suffered debilitating ill health with ME for 15 years, the last two for which she was bedridden, Clare was astounded by the recovery she experienced when she started Buteyko breathing.
ME is a painful and multi-systemic ailment but Clare found that organs such as the heart, kidneys, lungs, intestines, eyes, skin and skeletal muscles started to recover.
Within 4 months she no longer had ME although it took several years for her to fully recover from the long term damage sustained during the long years of chronic illness.
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Email Clare