
If you have any queries at all, would like to know more or feedback your experience please don't hesitate to email

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Equine Breathing is based in the UK

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Qualified Equine Breathing Trainers


Trudi Reiter

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0427 221263

"If you would like to discuss Equine Breathing I would be happy to hear from you"

For articles by Trudi on separation anxiety and helping an older horse, see Horse Breather issues 28, 37 and 46

Trudi Equine Breathing a one eyed mare
Equine Breathing


Michaela Weilguny

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0043 (0)699 18 18 60 66

"Equine Breathing - ein effektives Training für gute Gesundheit. Probieren sie es aus. Kontaktieren Sie mich. Ich freue mich, wenn ich helfen kann."

Für mehr über Michaela sehen Sie Horse Breather 48; Ein Pferd mit Atmungs - und seinen Startschwierigkeiten

Michi Equine Breathing two horses


Ulrike Hermelin

Email: [email protected]

Horse Breather"Equine Breathing is an astonishing, impressive and powerful healing method. And in a very subtle way it also does a lot for those who use the method on their horses."

For more about Ulrike see Horse Breather issues 24 and 39

Ulrike and horse enjoying Equine Breathing
Equine Breathing